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verde + marmo

So I've returned to the blogosphere for a season. Having a place to intermittently curate my thoughts on a variety of topics has turned out to be a wonderful way to reflect on where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going, God willing it all.

A facelift for my corner of the internet was certainly in order given how much has changed in my life and how my soul has matured and grown. In addition to updating my bio and ridding this blog of unfortunate font choices, I gave the overall look of the pages a significant overhaul. I settled on green (in Italian, verde) and marble (in Italian, marmo) as the main design elements.

I'm a sucker for symbolism in literature and in life, so naturally beyond being sleek and pretty, green and marble are meaningful to me.

In the Eastern Catholic Church, green symbolizes Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit descended on the world. So to in this season I recognize the Spirit's presence and providence in my life - so many good, holy things do not come about without Him whispering in the wind and guiding our steps.

In the Roman Catholic Church, green symbolizes Ordinary Time on the liturgical calendar, a time in which no particular season of repentance or rejoicing is observed by the Church. So to in this season I recognize that the commonplace is especially sanctifying. The ordinary rhythm of life moves along slowly but distinctly like the Holy Rosary. Both the living rhythm and the repetitious prayers mold my heart into a beautiful, receptive, gentle one day by day.

This double meaning for green is striking to me. The Spirit moves as He wills whether boldly or quietly, always directing us to rest in the Heart of Jesus and to bask in the delight of our Father.

Marble too holds a double meaning to me. The Romans and the Greeks used marble to create beautiful art and architecture that made their cities come alive. Ancient monuments now, the spark of bustling beauty remains in them because marble is a stalwart material. So too I hope my life and this virtual testament to it reflect the beauty and steadfastness of the Living God, who pours out His Mercy on us always.

Stay tuned for more ramblings complete with GRE worthy vocabulary words & many mentions of the Triune God.

Love always, dear friend.

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